

Saturday, September 3, 2011

6) Sweet Flag

Brief Description:
Sweet flag is a hygrophytic plant which loves the swamps. It may be collected from the banks of rivers or streams. The underground stems or rhizomes are succulent and yellow on the inside. The leaves are grass-like, about 20 to 60 cm long and lush green in color. The inflorescence is made up of a cluster of tiny flowers borne on the apical or terminal part of a long stalk.

Medicinal Use:
  • Used for expelling gases, flatulence and gripping pains from the stomach and bowels.
  • Promotes menstrual flow.
  • Reduces or eliminates fever.
  • Calms nervous excitements.
  • Used for causing vomiting.
  • Used for asthma, diarrhoea and chronic dysentery.
  • Used for giving the body tone and validity.
  • Promotes the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • Used against fungal skin ailments and scabies.
  • Used for relieving rheumatic pains and epilepsy.

How to use:
  • The decoction of the rhizome is used to cause vomiting. It is also used for asthma, diarrhoea and chronic dysentery.
  • The infusion of the rhizome can be used for giving the body tone and validity and for the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • The powder of the dry rhizome mixed with castor oil is used externally for fungal skin diseases like scabies.
  • The crushed rhizomes are applied on the area affected by rheumatism.
  • The powdered rhizomes mixed with honey is taken internally for epilepsy.

Parts Used:
The underground stems and rhizomes.

For decoction, use 1 teaspoon of dry rhizome in one cup of water. Use 1 cup a day. For infusion, use 2 teaspoon of the rhizome in ½  cup of water. Use 1 cup a day. For details on infusions and decoction see the instructional page.

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