

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Plants That Heal

The plant kingdom has many plants with properties that are conductive to health, to secure the best results from the plants as remedial agencies; they must be used consistently over a sufficient period of time. Those who persist with these natural plant remedies will obtain a good result. The problem is that many people, when they experience the first improvement and some relief discontinue before the full work of restoration has been completed in the body. It is worth repeating that good results depend upon one's own patience and the continued use of the medicinal plants.
General rules to keep in mind:
  • Flowers should be gathered before or after the flower opens completely. Collect them in clear, dry weather, in the morning, after the dew has disappeared.
  • Leaves should be gathered when fully developed. Biennial plant leaves should be gathered during the second season or year, when they are stronger. Collect in clear, dry weather, in the morning, after the dew has disappeared.
  • In the case of stalks, collect them after the fruiting occurs.
  • Gather bulbs after the new bulbs are completely formed and also the leaves decay.
  • Gather the root, trunk, and branch or bark either during the time of flowering or when the fruit is ripened. Dead or decaying materials should be separated.
  • Seeds should be collected when they are fully mature.
  • In the case of underground stems(rhizomes) and roots:

  • Gather annuals just before flowering.
  • Gather biennial after the first leaves appear during the first season or at the end of the year.
  • Gather perennials either before a new leaf begin to appear or after the plant matures and the leaves have all fallen from the plant.
  • All drying should be done in the shade, especially the flowers and leaves. Dry as quickly as possible, but thoroughly. Often when drying is complete, a short exposure will help to prevent fungus attack. Always store in cool and dry place. Moldy or mildewed materials should never be used. If the plant material is stored in paper bags or boxes, be sure that each is correctly labeled for easy identification.
  • It should be noted that aluminum vessels should never be used for aqueous preparation of herbs. Stainless steel, glass or good quality enamelware are preferable. Pure soft water should be used as far as possible.
-Hot Infusion: Pour boiling water over the collected herb, queer for 15 minutes and strain. This method is used for powered bark, roots, refer, or resins and also for bruised nuts, seeds, bark or buds.
-Cold Infusion: Steep in cold water for several hours, strains and use.
-Decoction: Here the hard part of the plants, such as twigs, roots, barks, rhizomes, berries and some seeds are gently simmered for about 30 minutes in water so as to release their properties. Strain before use.
  • Normal Doses: Normally in the preparation of the above, twenty grams of the fresh herb or plant are used in one liter of water. However, if dried herbs are used, the amount of plant material should be used 10 grams.
Normal Dose for:
Adults:4 or 5 cups a day.
Children Aged 10 to 15: 3 to 4 cups a day.
Children Aged 6 to 9: 2 cups a day.
Children Aged 2 to 5: 1 cup a day.
Children Aged 1 to 2: half cup a day.
Below 1years: one-fourth or less a day.

1 tablespoon = 5 grams (green herb)
1 dessertspoon = 2 grams (dry herb)
1 teaspoon = 25 drops
1 cup = 16 tablespoons
1 liter = 7 or 8 cups

Actually the herbal remedies don't have any negative effects. But Remember, a word of caution is always added when the material could cause some side effects.
For external uses, gargles, inhalations, and fomentations, the amounts used may be increased as necessary.

  • The infusion and the decoctions should be taken in the morning, before eating and in the evening before retiring. They are best taken without any sweetening. Sugar should never be used! If necessary, a little honey may be used. Aqueous preparations may ferment if left overnight. So in the absence of refrigeration, these should be made fresh every morning, but they should not be taken together with food. It is recommended that these preparations be taken one hour before eating or two hours after eating. Liquids taken with the meal retard the digestive process.

  • Juices:
The juice of can be obtained without too much difficulties. The plant may be chopped, minced, crushed and then squeezed to extract the juice. A cloth may be used to extract the juice. Straining is also done in the same manner.
The normal doses are:
Ø       Adults:  five drops of juice in a tablespoon of water taken every three hours.
Ø       Children 10 to 15 years of age; three drops in a tablespoon of water every three hours.
Ø       From 5 to 10 years of age: two drops in a tablespoon of water, every three hours.
Ø       From 1 to 2 years of age; one drop in a tablespoon of water, every two hours.

The younger the child, lesser the quantity of the juice is to be given in water, every two hours. Remember, a teaspoon contains approximately 25 drops. Juice must be used as soon as possible after it is extracted because it oxidizes very quickly, and its virtue declines rapidly. Never prepare juice for the use for next day.

  • Powders:
Herbs may also be taken in powders is fine. The usual dosage in such cases is one quarter to one third of a level teaspoon. The powder is placed on the front part of the tongue and then washed with a glass of water. Be careful do not inhale (breathe in) until you wash away the powder from your tongue with the water. To make the powder, the dried herb or plant may be grin d in a mill or with a pestle in a mortar. It may be added to food, taken in capsules or made into pill form.

  • Poultices: (cataplasms):
Poultices made from the plant material may take on various forms:

-Fresh herb may be applied directly to or over the affected parts, whether it is an inflammation, a wound, or a painful area.
-Dry herb sachets, hot or cold depending upon the need, may be used for cramps, neuralgia, otitis, insomnia, etc.

-Plasters are made by sounding or macerating the fresh herb until it is a homogeneous mass that may be applied directly to the affected area. It may be applied directly or in a single thickness of clean cotton cloth. If no fresh plants are available, then the dried herb can be used. This is prepared by soaking it in boiling water and using a sufficient quantity to enable the poultice to be made without excess fluid. Cold poultice have a cooling effect on swollen or inflamed areas and produce good results in neuralgia, contusions (bruises), sprains, rheumatism and gout. Hot poultices may be used with painful inflammatory conditions.
In the preparation of poultices, use wooden spoons or non metal ones.

-Compress and fomentations may also be used. The former is applied cold, and the fomentations are always hot. To make them, take a clean, cloth of sufficient size and immerse it in a strong decoction of the required herb or plant. This should be about four times as strong as for tea. Wring out the folded cloth and place it over the affected part.

  • Ointments: This may be made by using suitable herbs. The herb or plant should be cut fine and a strong decoction should be made, or the plant itself may be added directly to the fat or oil used as the base of the ointment. Suitable fats are: coconut fat, almond oil or an vegetable oil. Lard and petroleum jelly, while often used, are not desirable. Most fats, and especially oils, require the addition of a hardener. Beeswax is the choice. Although, when not available, paraffin wax may be used.
Preparation: The decoction or plant is added to the base, fat or oil and simmered until the moisture of the herb or decoction has been evaporated, which may take several hours or even days. Strain while hot, and if necessary, add a little hardener. If the ointment is too soft, it may be reheated and more wax hardener added. Too much hardener makes the ointment difficult to apply. It may be made stronger if the herbs used at first are strained out, and the process repeated using more of the same herb. This may be repeated several times. The hardener is almost ready. Place in suitable container, in cool and dry place, until ready for use.

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