

Saturday, September 3, 2011

5) Prickly Chaff Flower

Brief Description:
Prickly chaff flower is a herbaceous which grows in fields and waste lands to a height of about one meter. It is quite easily identified when fully matured with the 5o cm. long spikes bearing several very small greenish-white flowers which stand upright. If one walks through the field carelessly, the spines are sure to stick on the clothes, a good method of seed dispersal. The few leaves are elliptic or obviate but usually round.

Medicinal Use:
·        Used as laxative.
·        Strengthens and gives tone to the stomach.
·        Assists in expelling gases, flatulence and griping pains from the stomach and bowels.
·        Improves appetite.
·        Used for bronchitis, piles, itching.
·        Used for indigestion, discomfort or pain.
·        Used for promoting the flow of urine.
·        Used for asthmas and cough.
·        Used as an antiperiodic in preventing the return of such diseases which recure, like malaria.

How to use:
The decoction or infusion of the leaves, seeds and roots may be used to take  care of all the ailments  mentioned in above medicinal uses.

Parts Used:
The leaves, seeds and roots.

Normal (see the instructional page)

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