

Saturday, September 3, 2011

2) Crab’s eye (abrus precatorius, Linn)

Brief description:

The Crabs eye is an annual plant that grows up to the height of 9 meters. The leaves are alternate, compounds into pinnate arrangements. The seeds are red and black in color called by the names given above. The flowers are pink and purplish in color.

Medicinal use:
Used in the case of chronic inflammation of mucous membrane connecting the eyeball and inner eyelid.

How to Use:
The seeds are crushed to obtain juice that is used in the portion of 1:100 (one part of the juice and hundred party of the water) and applied on the eyelid in the case of chronic conjunctivitis or inflammation of the mucus membrane.

Parts to Use:
The seeds.

As indicated above.

Must not be taken internally as the seeds of the plant are poisonous and especially dangerous to children. The external application must not be too frequent because it may cause inflammation of the eyelid.

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