

Saturday, September 3, 2011

13) Onion

Brief Description:
            The onion plant is a famous plant known all over the world. It has bulbs underground.

Medicinal Use:
·        Used as a stimulant.
·        Promotes the flow of urine.
·        Promotes the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
·        Promotes the menstrual flow.
·        Soothes and protects the alimentary tract and relieves inflammations.
·        Purifies blood.
·        Used against tuberculosis, infectious venereal disease, typhoid fever, abnormal accumulation of liquid in cellular tissue, diabetes, cough, chest and lungs problems, influenza, rheumatism, inflamed joins, skin diseases, kidney/ gallstones, liver problems, intermittent fever, asthma, nausea and constipation.
·        Good for insect bites, tumors, inflammations, boils containing pus, ulcers, nasal bleeding and arthritis.
·        Raw onion juice promotes growth and prevents baldness.

How to Use:
  • Onion, eaten raw, is good for the various disorders and diseases mentioned above.
  • Mixed with a little pure honey, the onion is externally used for insect bite, tumors, inflammations, boils containing pus, ulcers, nasal bleeding and arthritis
Parts Used:
  • The bulb

  • As indicated above.

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