

Saturday, September 3, 2011

9) Bael Tree

Brief Description:
            It is a tree that grows up to the height of 3 to 6 meters. The leaves of this tree are oval in shape and the flowers have a pleasant fragrance. The large round shaped fruit is greenish-white in color with a hard but smooth outer surface. The inner contentc of the fruit is mucilaginous and faintly aromatic.

Medicinal use:
  • Used as a mild laxative.
  • Used to cure inflammations of the mucous membrane having a free discharge.
  • Recommended for the use of asthma.
  • Reduces or eliminates fever.
  • Promotes the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • For the abnormal accumulation of the liquid in the cellular tissue accompanied with constipation and jaundice.
  • For the combination of severe inflammation of the eye or conjunctivitis, acute bronchitis and inflammation of the body.
  • For intermittent fevers with melancholia or a depressed unhappy emotional state and heart palpitation.
  • For strengthening and giving tone to the stomach, to prevent scurvy and aiding in digestion.
  • Used for chronic diarrhoea or dysentery and irritation of the alimentary tract.
  • For indigestion, discomfort or pain in the stomach.

How to Use:
  • The leaves of the trees are used as a mild laxative, for fever, catarrh or the inflammation of the mucous membrane having a free discharge and for asthma. The dose for this is 10 to 15 grams for one liter of water.
  • The decoction of the leaves is febrifuge, or helps in eliminating fever and is an expectorant, or promotes the removal of the mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • The leaf juice is given dropsy or the abnormal accumulation of the liquid in the cellular tissue accompanied with constipation and jaundice.
  • A hot poultice of the leaves is applied in ophthmai or severe inflammation of the eye or conjunctivitis with acute bronchitis and inflammation of the body.
  • The root bark is used I decoction for intermittent fevers, melancholia or a depressed unhappy emotional state and heart palpitation.
  • The unripe fruit can be used as stomachic or for strengthening and giving tone to the stomach.. it prevents scurvy and aids in digestion. It is also used in cases of chronic diarrhoea or dysentery and irritation of the alimentary tract.
  •  The ripe fruit is aromatic, cooling and a mild laxative.
  • The extract of the ripe fruit with water is given for chronic constipation and dyspepsia or indigestion, discomfort or pain.

Parts Used:
The roots, leaves and fruit.


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