

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

15) Indian Aloe

Brief Description:
Aloe is used for both ornamental as well as medicinal purpose. It is short stemmed and the spiny-toothed leaves are very succulent or juicy. The drooping flowers are yellow in color. When the plant is mature,, from the middle an erect stalk grows which is a meter in height. The fruit is an oval capsule containing numerous seeds. 

Medicinal Use:
  • Promotes the menstrual flow.
  • Softens swollen parts and relieves pain in muscles.
  • Works as a good laxative.
  • Kills or expels worms from the body.
  • Best for skin problems.
  • Heals wounds and fresh cuts.
  • Soothes burns, cures eczema and falling hair.
  • Useful in eye diseases.
  • Checks the growth of tumor, enlargement of the spleen, liver complaints, asthma, leprosy and jaundice.

How to Use:
  • The juice of the leaves, applied externally, is soothing in case of burns, wounds and cuts,, eczema, and falling hair.
  • The leaf pulp is recommended for first four and last above medicinal uses.
  • The cuticle removed from the leaves can be applied as a suppository in cases of hemorrhoids or piles.
  • Drinking the aloe juice purifies the blood and cleans the skin.

Parts Used:
  • The leaves and the pulp.

  • As indicated above.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

14) Garlic

Brief Description:
            Garlic is a glabrous, bulbous, herb which grows to the height of about 30cms. The leaves are flat, narrow and long. The bulb consists of numerous bulblets known as cloves, enclosed with in a whitish skin. It is a well known herb in the garden. It is grown for culinary and medicinal use.

Medicinal Use:
·        Used to kill or expel worms from the body.
·        Prevents or cures spasms.
·        Stimulates flow of saliva, helps in digestion, and relieves flatulence and griping pains from stomach and bowels.
·        Promotes the flow of urine.
·        Promotes the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
·        Used to reduce or eliminate fevers.
·        Promotes the dissipation of a growth or swelling.
·        Can be used in chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, and other respiratory ailments.
·        It is an excellent medicine for colds and can be used in case of sore throat, hoarseness and tonsillitis.
·        Best remedy for hypertension.
·        Acts as natural antibiotics and prevents cancer.
·        Good remedy for earache, deafness and the delay of the graying of the hair.
·        Helps to remove Gastritis from the body.
·        It is also good for various skin problems.
·        Scientific students have proved that the consumption of garlic reduces the cholesterol level in the body.
·        Used to bring down the pressure

How to Use:
  • Use of raw garlic in salads is one of the best remedies for hypertension.
  • The decoction of garlic mixed with coconut oil is given for worms and in smaller doses it is good for infection of the sciatic nerve, inflammation of the respiratory tract and hysteria.
  • The tea of garlic sweetened with honey is recommended as a poultice for ringworms.
  • Raw garlic juice is good for whooping cough and pulmonary consumption or tuberculosis. Diluted in water the garlic juice is good for earache, corns, fungal infections of the skin and skin spots, etc.
  • A crushed clove of garlic heated in a tiny vessel or tablespoon containing coconut oil or mustard oil can be very effectively used for earaches. Only the mild warm (Luke warm) should be put into the painful ear.
  • The water obtained after simmering of the finely chopped garlic can eliminate the gastritis. Remember, the finely chopped garlic should be simmered for more than 12 hours. Drink a glass of the obtained water daily in the morning by mildly heating before you eat or drink anything. Do not drink or eat anything for an hour of drinking the decoction (the obtained water after simmering)

Parts Used:
  • The bulbs (as food, the whole plant can be used)

  • As indicated above

Caution: Those who suffer from hypotension (low blood pressure) should not use garlic.

13) Onion

Brief Description:
            The onion plant is a famous plant known all over the world. It has bulbs underground.

Medicinal Use:
·        Used as a stimulant.
·        Promotes the flow of urine.
·        Promotes the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
·        Promotes the menstrual flow.
·        Soothes and protects the alimentary tract and relieves inflammations.
·        Purifies blood.
·        Used against tuberculosis, infectious venereal disease, typhoid fever, abnormal accumulation of liquid in cellular tissue, diabetes, cough, chest and lungs problems, influenza, rheumatism, inflamed joins, skin diseases, kidney/ gallstones, liver problems, intermittent fever, asthma, nausea and constipation.
·        Good for insect bites, tumors, inflammations, boils containing pus, ulcers, nasal bleeding and arthritis.
·        Raw onion juice promotes growth and prevents baldness.

How to Use:
  • Onion, eaten raw, is good for the various disorders and diseases mentioned above.
  • Mixed with a little pure honey, the onion is externally used for insect bite, tumors, inflammations, boils containing pus, ulcers, nasal bleeding and arthritis
Parts Used:
  • The bulb

  • As indicated above.

12) Golden Trumpet.

Brief Description:
            Golden Trumpet or Yellow Bell is a hardy climber with bright yellow prominent bell shaped flowers. The climber is often trained onto trellises, arches or fences in private and public gardens. The smooth and shiny leaves are arranged opposite to each other.

Medicinal Use:
  • Used for colic or acute abdominal pain.
  • Used as good purgative, this is stronger than a laxative.
  • It is suggested as an antidote for poisoning.

How to Use:
  • The infusion of the leaves is recommended for acute abdominal pain. It also acts as a purgative.
  • The bark in normal or small doses, in decoction, has a cathartic or hydragogue effect i.e., it helps in the evacuation of the bowels.

Parts Used:
            The Bark and the Leaves.

            Normal (refer to the introduction page)

11)Rain tree

Brief Description:
            Rain tree is a large tree which grows over 20 meters high. Its branches are widespread and the leaves are bipinnate and hairy underneath. The flowers are borne in peduncles which are axillary, solitary and pink colored. It looks like a powder puff. The fruit is dark, fleshy and has a sweet bulky mesocrap that attracts rodents and birds.

Medicinal Use:
·        Used for dysentery and diarrhoea.

How to Use:
·        The decoction of the bark and the leaves in infusion are used for dysentery and diarrhoea.
Parts Used:
            The bark and the leaves.
            Normal ( see the instructional page)

10) Century plant

Brief Description:
Century plant is a fiber-bearing plant which grows in tropical countries. It produces leaves upward from the ground, forming a massive rosette. Both sides of the leaves are smooth, having prickly edges, and at the upper extremely, a thorny end. The plant produces a long and erect stem which bears bulbils that fall to ground and grow into new plants.

Medicinal Use:
  • Purifies the blood.
  • Prevents the formation of pus.
  • Promotes the flow of urine.
  • Stimulates the bowel-mild laxative.
  • Checks excessive falling of hair.
  • Checks internal wounds and swellings.
  • Soothes irritated eyes and helps in general eye diseases.
  • Used against the tuberculosis of lungs.
  • Used for jaundice and infected livers.
  • Checks anemia, kidney diseases and liver problems.

How to Use:
·        For cleansing the blood the infusion or decoction of the finely chopped leaves can be used. Use two grams of leaves for a cup of water. One cup a day is enough. Take little by little in your sips.
·        The water in which the leaves are soaked for a day can be used can be used externally as a disinfectant and tonic, incase of falling hair.
·        The sap of the leaves is used internally in case of wounds and inflammations.
·        The infusion of the plant with the addition of a teaspoon of honey can be used to soothe irritated eyes.
·        The decoction of the leaves can be used in the form of lotion for general eye diseases.
·        The sap of the plant can be used at times for pulmonary tuberculosis, diseased liver and jaundice. The powder of the dry leaves of the plant, in water is recommended for anemia, kidney diseases and liver problems. The recommended dose is one teaspoon of powder a day.

Parts Used:
·        The whole plant.

            As indicated as above and as outlined in the instructional page.

9) Bael Tree

Brief Description:
            It is a tree that grows up to the height of 3 to 6 meters. The leaves of this tree are oval in shape and the flowers have a pleasant fragrance. The large round shaped fruit is greenish-white in color with a hard but smooth outer surface. The inner contentc of the fruit is mucilaginous and faintly aromatic.

Medicinal use:
  • Used as a mild laxative.
  • Used to cure inflammations of the mucous membrane having a free discharge.
  • Recommended for the use of asthma.
  • Reduces or eliminates fever.
  • Promotes the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • For the abnormal accumulation of the liquid in the cellular tissue accompanied with constipation and jaundice.
  • For the combination of severe inflammation of the eye or conjunctivitis, acute bronchitis and inflammation of the body.
  • For intermittent fevers with melancholia or a depressed unhappy emotional state and heart palpitation.
  • For strengthening and giving tone to the stomach, to prevent scurvy and aiding in digestion.
  • Used for chronic diarrhoea or dysentery and irritation of the alimentary tract.
  • For indigestion, discomfort or pain in the stomach.

How to Use:
  • The leaves of the trees are used as a mild laxative, for fever, catarrh or the inflammation of the mucous membrane having a free discharge and for asthma. The dose for this is 10 to 15 grams for one liter of water.
  • The decoction of the leaves is febrifuge, or helps in eliminating fever and is an expectorant, or promotes the removal of the mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • The leaf juice is given dropsy or the abnormal accumulation of the liquid in the cellular tissue accompanied with constipation and jaundice.
  • A hot poultice of the leaves is applied in ophthmai or severe inflammation of the eye or conjunctivitis with acute bronchitis and inflammation of the body.
  • The root bark is used I decoction for intermittent fevers, melancholia or a depressed unhappy emotional state and heart palpitation.
  • The unripe fruit can be used as stomachic or for strengthening and giving tone to the stomach.. it prevents scurvy and aids in digestion. It is also used in cases of chronic diarrhoea or dysentery and irritation of the alimentary tract.
  •  The ripe fruit is aromatic, cooling and a mild laxative.
  • The extract of the ripe fruit with water is given for chronic constipation and dyspepsia or indigestion, discomfort or pain.

Parts Used:
The roots, leaves and fruit.


8) Maidenhair Fern

Brief Description:
Maidenhair Fern is a beautiful little evergreen fern which grows well in high altitudes where there is plenty of moisture and shade. It received its fancy name since a single leaflet looks like the hairdo of a maid. The spike is dark and shiny, bearing small, green, smooth, fan-shaped leaflets. The veins are often forked. Its considered to be an ornamental plant and is often kept inside the house.
Medicinal Use:
  • Stimulates appetite and helps in digestion.
  • Promotes flow of urine.
  • Reduces or eliminates fever.
  • Relieves inflamed parts.
  • Powerful remedy for pulmonary problems, coughs and other respiratory problems.
  • Used for the various kinds of muscle pains and inflammation of joints.
  • Used as tonic.
  • Regulates menstruation.
  • Externally used as a lotion.
  • Checks falling of hair and baldness.

How to use:
  • The infusion of the leaves take care of  the first eight uses above.
  • The decoction of the leaves is used as  a tonic. It is good especially for women after delivery, in dose of two tablespoon every two hours.
  • Externally, the decoction is applied as a lotion for falling down of hair and baldness.

Parts Used:
  • The leaves.


7) Malabar Nut

Brief Description:
Malabar Nut is a well known medicinal plant. This dense shrub with yellowish bark grows to a height of 1.2 to 2.4 meters with many long ascending branches. The elongated lanceolate leaves are dark green above and paler beneath. The white flowers are borne in short dense axillary spikes.

Medicinal Use:
·        Used for bronchitis.
·        Used for the early stages of leprosy.
·        Used for assisting in heart troubles.
·        Good for cleansing the blood.
·        Useful in cases of asthma, sore eyes and gonorrhoea.
·        Used for checking fever, vomiting and loss of memory.
·        Helps in the early stages of leucoderma and jaundice.
·        Useful for taking care of tumors and diseases of the mouth.
·        Used for abortion.
·        Used in dysuria or painful and difficult urination.
How to use:
  • The decoction of the roots is useful in treating bronchitis, asthma, vomiting, sore eyes, fevers and gonorrhoea. The decoction of the fruit also helps in taking care of bronchitis.
  • The decoction of the leaves promotes menstrual flow and is useful foe gonorrhoea.
  • The decoction of the leaves and the roots of this plant is considered as a very efficacious remedy which is normally administered, along with ginger, for all sorts of coughs.
  • The decoction of the flowers purifies the blood and improves circulation. It also checks painful and difficult urination and jaundice.
  • The decoction of the leaves is used to cure rheumatism.
  • The dried leaves are rolled into the form of cigarettes and smoked to cure asthma.
  • The juice extracted from the leaves is used for diarrhoea and dysentery.
  • The leaves, roots and flowers are antispasmodic or have those qualities which prevent or cure spasms.
  • The bitter juice from the leaves is administered in infusion to expel worms from the body.
  • The fresh flowers are used in ophthalmia or the severe inflammation of the eye or conjuctivities.

Parts used:
The leaves, fruits, flowers and the roots.


6) Sweet Flag

Brief Description:
Sweet flag is a hygrophytic plant which loves the swamps. It may be collected from the banks of rivers or streams. The underground stems or rhizomes are succulent and yellow on the inside. The leaves are grass-like, about 20 to 60 cm long and lush green in color. The inflorescence is made up of a cluster of tiny flowers borne on the apical or terminal part of a long stalk.

Medicinal Use:
  • Used for expelling gases, flatulence and gripping pains from the stomach and bowels.
  • Promotes menstrual flow.
  • Reduces or eliminates fever.
  • Calms nervous excitements.
  • Used for causing vomiting.
  • Used for asthma, diarrhoea and chronic dysentery.
  • Used for giving the body tone and validity.
  • Promotes the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • Used against fungal skin ailments and scabies.
  • Used for relieving rheumatic pains and epilepsy.

How to use:
  • The decoction of the rhizome is used to cause vomiting. It is also used for asthma, diarrhoea and chronic dysentery.
  • The infusion of the rhizome can be used for giving the body tone and validity and for the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • The powder of the dry rhizome mixed with castor oil is used externally for fungal skin diseases like scabies.
  • The crushed rhizomes are applied on the area affected by rheumatism.
  • The powdered rhizomes mixed with honey is taken internally for epilepsy.

Parts Used:
The underground stems and rhizomes.

For decoction, use 1 teaspoon of dry rhizome in one cup of water. Use 1 cup a day. For infusion, use 2 teaspoon of the rhizome in ½  cup of water. Use 1 cup a day. For details on infusions and decoction see the instructional page.

5) Prickly Chaff Flower

Brief Description:
Prickly chaff flower is a herbaceous which grows in fields and waste lands to a height of about one meter. It is quite easily identified when fully matured with the 5o cm. long spikes bearing several very small greenish-white flowers which stand upright. If one walks through the field carelessly, the spines are sure to stick on the clothes, a good method of seed dispersal. The few leaves are elliptic or obviate but usually round.

Medicinal Use:
·        Used as laxative.
·        Strengthens and gives tone to the stomach.
·        Assists in expelling gases, flatulence and griping pains from the stomach and bowels.
·        Improves appetite.
·        Used for bronchitis, piles, itching.
·        Used for indigestion, discomfort or pain.
·        Used for promoting the flow of urine.
·        Used for asthmas and cough.
·        Used as an antiperiodic in preventing the return of such diseases which recure, like malaria.

How to use:
The decoction or infusion of the leaves, seeds and roots may be used to take  care of all the ailments  mentioned in above medicinal uses.

Parts Used:
The leaves, seeds and roots.

Normal (see the instructional page)

4) Indian Acalypha (Acalyha indica)

Brief Description:

Indian Acalypha or cat tail Plant is quite a popular herbaceous plant found in gardens. The plant grows to a height of 30 to 75 cms.  The leaf Petioles are long and slender and the oval shaped leaves are about 2.5 to 7.5 cms long and 2 to 4.4cms. broad. The numerous tiny maroon colored flowers are found on several pendulous stalks and hence the common name known as Cat Tail.

Medicinal Use:
·                     Promotes the removal of mucous secretion from the bronchial tubes.
·                     Promotes the flow of urine.
·                     Used for bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia and rheumatism.
·                     Used as laxative.
·                     Used for scabies and other skin disease.
·                     Used for expel worms from the body.
·                     Used as the agent for causing vomiting.
·                     Used also for earache, syphilitic ulcers and relieving the pain of snake-bite and irritation caused by the bite of a centipede.
How To Use:
·                     The decoction of the leaves is used to take care of the first three above medicinal uses.
·                     The decoction of the leaves mixed with some common salt, works well as a laxative.
·                     The juice of the crushed leaves is applied extremely for the cure of scabies. When it is to be used for another skin disease, a very small quantity of whit lime (calcium Chloride) should be mixed with the juice before the application.
·                     The juice if the leaves are of great repute for causing vomiting, especially in children.
·                     The decoction of the leaves is used for earaches.
·                     A poultice (cataplasm) of leaves is applied externally to syphilitic ulcers and also as a means of relieving pain of snake bite and irritation caused by the bite of centipede.

Parts used:
The leaves

Normal. (Refer to the instructional page)

3) Indian Mallow (Abution indicum)

Brief description:

Indian Mallow is a much-branded, half-woody, erect shrub. It grows up to 2 meters high. The leaves are green, entire or equally toothed. The flowers are solitary, yellow, opening in the evenings. The fruit is a rounded capsule. It grows in grasslands, gardens and waste lands.
Medicinal Uses:
Soothes and protects the alimentary tract and relieves inflammations.
  • Brings down fever.
  • Softens inflamed parts.
  • Promotes the flow of Urine.
  • Laxative in nature.
  • Promotes the removal of the mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • Useful in the treatment of the chronic inflammation of the urethra and urinary bladder.

How to Use:
  • The leaves of this plant soothe and protect the alimentary tract and relieve inflammation, they are given in decoction for bronchitis, diarrhoea, inflammation of the bladder, urethra and fevers. The same decoction is also advised for fermentation over the parts of the body for its softening action.
  • The Decoction of the bark promotes the flow of urine.

Parts Used:

The whole plant.

Normal. (Refer the instruction page)

2) Crab’s eye (abrus precatorius, Linn)

Brief description:

The Crabs eye is an annual plant that grows up to the height of 9 meters. The leaves are alternate, compounds into pinnate arrangements. The seeds are red and black in color called by the names given above. The flowers are pink and purplish in color.

Medicinal use:
Used in the case of chronic inflammation of mucous membrane connecting the eyeball and inner eyelid.

How to Use:
The seeds are crushed to obtain juice that is used in the portion of 1:100 (one part of the juice and hundred party of the water) and applied on the eyelid in the case of chronic conjunctivitis or inflammation of the mucus membrane.

Parts to Use:
The seeds.

As indicated above.

Must not be taken internally as the seeds of the plant are poisonous and especially dangerous to children. The external application must not be too frequent because it may cause inflammation of the eyelid.

1) Okra (lady's finger)

Brief Description:
Okra is an annual, erect, stout-stemmed, bristly herb, growing up to 2 meters. The leaves are angular, long- stalked and coarsely toothed. The single flower located in the axiles of the leaves is pale yellow in color. The fruit is an elongated pod (capsule). It is limy when cut for cooking. It is grown in tropical and subtropical countries like Nepal, India, Bangladesh, etc
Medicinal Use:
·                      Soothes and protects the alimentary tract.
·                     It acts as a softener of inflamed parts.
·                     Relieves flatulence and griping pains from the stomach and bowels.
·                     Prevents or cures spasms.
·                     Used as a laxative.
·                     Used in the case of pneumonia, bronchitis, urinary problems, heart diseases and tuberculosis of the lungs.

How to Use:
·                     The leaves are recommended as hot poultice, also in decoction, in case of pneumonia and bronchitis. For the same disease, a tea of the flower and fruit is prepared by decoction which is taken with a little honey.
·                     The root in decoction is recommended for inflamed mucous membrane of the urethra and vagina, infectious venereal disease and genital problems.
·                     The seeds are used for heart diseases. They are roasted and prepared as a tea, four to five glasses are to be taken daily.
·                     The unripe fruit is used for pulmonary tuberculosis.

Parts used:
·                     The whole Body.

·                     Normal (Refer to the instructions page)

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