

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Brief description
Celery is biennial, erect, branching, garden herb. The root is fleshy and bulbous. The stem is angular and furrowed. The leaves are opposite, dark green, incised and coarsely toothed. The flowers are grey-white and arrange into compound umbels. Seeds of the plant are small, ribbed and ovate.
Medicinal Use:
·         Used in acute abdominal pains, and abnormal accumulation of liquid in the cellular.
·         Alert the process of nutrition and excretion and restores the normal function of the body.
·         Promotes the flow of urine.
·         Stimulates appetite.
·         Used to give relief from flatulence and from gripping pain in the stomach and bowels.
·         Strengthens and gives the tone to the stomach.
·         Used as laxative, tonic and sedative.
·         Used to kill and expel worms from t
he body.
·         Used in asthma, bronchitis, liver and spleen disease.
·         Also used in vomiting abnormal stoppage of menses, urinary discharges, hiccup, rectal troubles, nasal disease, fever with cough and flatulence.
·         It is an effective remedy for rheumatic tendencies, inflamed joints, obesity, chronic pulmonary diseases and deficiency disease.
·         To restore sexual potency.

How to Use:
·         The extracted juice of the plant takes care of all above mentioned problems and is most effective remedy for rheumatic, tendencies, inflamed, joints, obesity, chronic pulmonary diseases and deficiency diseases.
·         Celery promotes the onset of menstruation.
Parts used:
The whole plant.
For seeds, use 5 teaspoonfuls for 1 liter of water, by infusion. Use 4 to 5 cups a day. In the case of the extracted juice, use 1 table spoon at a time, three times a day. For oil, use 6 to 8 drops, in water, twice a day.

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